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Sunday, January 27, 2013

purpose in life

How can you find what your purpose in life is?

Recently, I was talking with relationship coach, Susan, on how to live a purpose driven life  with meaning. She shared seven  tips with me that will help to discover your life's purpose.
Susan - relationship coach

Susan mentioned that in her profession as a motivational coach, she found people often live their daily life in an unconscious state. 

She mentioned in her article "How To Get A Promotion at Work" that every day, people are just running around doing various activities such as working, playing, partying, sleeping, but none of it has any relation to life in the bigger picture. The reason is this is what they have come to know as life.

Sushan also recommended Awaken the Giant Within by Anthony Robbins to get  a detailed step-by-step program teaching the fundamental lessons of self-mastery that will enable you to discover your true purpose, take control of your life and harness the forces that shape your destiny.

7 habits to create a life full of meaning and purpose of life

1.    Have a introspective session for a period of times everyday to find out whether you are living with your real purpose or not. Empty your mind of all the false purposes you’ve been taught. It’s important to do this alone and with no interruptions.It's very important to find meaning in your life.

“Having a purpose is the difference between making a living and making a life.” ~ Tom Thiss

2.    You need to understand that money  is not your real purpose. The main problem is money gives short term satisfaction. It does not actually help you become liberates from daily nuances.

Does the mere thought of money inspire and energize you?

Does pursuing money give lasting meaning and fulfillment to your life?

3.    You need to know how to be the best at everything so that you are in at peace. And, there are no regrets, knowing you did your best. This will help you to achieve inner peace, which is of utmost importantimportance.

4.    You need to learn to build a consistent, long-term happiness in life. Live in presence and enjoy your life.  For that, you need to learn how to get freedom from things that do not matter to you. You need to form habits of happiness.

5.    Having a gives you liberty because you now have clarity on what matters to you. By knowing how to say no you can consciously release yourself of issues that do not matter and solutions to dilemmas become instantly clear.

 It’s the start toward living an optimal  life i.e. life of highest alignment.

When one door closes, another opens; but we often look so long and so regretfully upon the closed-door that we do not see the one that has opened for us." ~ Alexander Graham Bell

6.    Don’t allow false priorities to be mistaken for true priorities. Blocking is going to happen in these cases because your mistake was further upstream. Your priorities weren’t aligned with your true desires.

When you realize you’re in a blocking situation, give yourself some time to pause and reflect.
Listen to your heart and avoid using logical manner to set priorities.

7.    You need to have a big dream.  Use visualization as your guide to achieve your best possible life and highest potential beyond your imaginations. It should inspire, energize and stir up the essence of your soul.

“It is never too late to be who you might have been.” – George Eliot

Just because there are great odds against achieving your purpose-driven goal does not mean it is impossible. The best things in life come with perseverance and effort.  You need to align with your purpose everyday and do your best.

Being happy doesn’t mean that everything is perfect. It means you’ve decided to look beyond the imperfections. I believe these tips will help you find the answers to the question: "How can I find my purpose in life?"

In summary, two habits are very important  "begin the end in my end"  and "sharpen the saw" from S. Covey's 7 habits are very important.

Do you have a clear direction for your life or are you sleepwalking your life away? 

Below we can discuss "what is my purpose in life".   I used a life wheel. to answer "what is your purpose in life". Click  here to read more article by Susan.


  1. Anonymous14/11/13

    Thanks,life has a purpose,Al Mighty supreme Lord created us to serve His purpose.We should have those values and discover ourself that single invisible holy entity control us,we have discover that single infinite and eternal force.we need to earn money for our survival,and meet fair require requirements,Dr.Syed Salim

  2. Anonymous14/11/13

    I have human natural aspiration,but try to be fair.
