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Sunday, January 13, 2013

how to build emotional connections

Emotional connection with team is very important for a corporate leader. Here are simple but effective tips on how to master the emotional connection within family, friends, co-workers, customers everybody even if you are an introvert person.

1) Improve your interpersonal skills for better human connection. Here is a video on how build emotional connections.

2) Give people your undivided attention even you are very busy.  

3) Emotions are contagious. your emotional state has a significant influence on those you work with, especially when you're the boss. Quarantine yourself if you are anxious

4) Engage in discussion with your people. You and your team should feel a sense of purpose for doing work. This is key for emotional connections with customers.

5) Actively provide feedback to your team.

6) Do introspection & do damage control quickly for all. Have a feeling of gratitude.

7) Silence is golden. In these speedy and noisy times, this old maxim is more true than ever. The natural silence all around us is drowned out by the constant drone of production, and the silence within is overwhelmed by the speed of our hyper driven minds. Learn to control your mind.

The more you focus on the quality of emotional connections at your work place, the greater will be your quantity of output.

Consider the compelling results of recent market research on the subject. A 2003 Gallup study suggests that no matter how high a company's customer satisfaction levels may appear to be, "satisfying customers without creating an emotional connection with them has no real value. None at all." But when Gallup looked at customers who credited emotional connection as part of their deep satisfaction and loyalty to a store, they also found that those customers visited that business more often and spent more.

Here I'm referring to 4th habit i.e. win/win of Covey' famous 7 habits. If you face any challenge analyze the situation which is creating trouble to set up a win/win situation and later find a procedure to reward yourself to break any such bad habit.

When it comes to happiness and success in life, emotional intelligence (EQ) matters just as much as intellectual ability (IQ). 

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