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Sunday, January 27, 2013

purpose in life

How can you find what your purpose in life is?

Recently, I was talking with relationship coach, Susan, on how to live a purpose driven life  with meaning. She shared seven  tips with me that will help to discover your life's purpose.
Susan - relationship coach

Susan mentioned that in her profession as a motivational coach, she found people often live their daily life in an unconscious state. 

She mentioned in her article "How To Get A Promotion at Work" that every day, people are just running around doing various activities such as working, playing, partying, sleeping, but none of it has any relation to life in the bigger picture. The reason is this is what they have come to know as life.

Sushan also recommended Awaken the Giant Within by Anthony Robbins to get  a detailed step-by-step program teaching the fundamental lessons of self-mastery that will enable you to discover your true purpose, take control of your life and harness the forces that shape your destiny.

7 habits to create a life full of meaning and purpose of life

1.    Have a introspective session for a period of times everyday to find out whether you are living with your real purpose or not. Empty your mind of all the false purposes you’ve been taught. It’s important to do this alone and with no interruptions.It's very important to find meaning in your life.

“Having a purpose is the difference between making a living and making a life.” ~ Tom Thiss

2.    You need to understand that money  is not your real purpose. The main problem is money gives short term satisfaction. It does not actually help you become liberates from daily nuances.

Does the mere thought of money inspire and energize you?

Does pursuing money give lasting meaning and fulfillment to your life?

3.    You need to know how to be the best at everything so that you are in at peace. And, there are no regrets, knowing you did your best. This will help you to achieve inner peace, which is of utmost importantimportance.

4.    You need to learn to build a consistent, long-term happiness in life. Live in presence and enjoy your life.  For that, you need to learn how to get freedom from things that do not matter to you. You need to form habits of happiness.

5.    Having a gives you liberty because you now have clarity on what matters to you. By knowing how to say no you can consciously release yourself of issues that do not matter and solutions to dilemmas become instantly clear.

 It’s the start toward living an optimal  life i.e. life of highest alignment.

When one door closes, another opens; but we often look so long and so regretfully upon the closed-door that we do not see the one that has opened for us." ~ Alexander Graham Bell

6.    Don’t allow false priorities to be mistaken for true priorities. Blocking is going to happen in these cases because your mistake was further upstream. Your priorities weren’t aligned with your true desires.

When you realize you’re in a blocking situation, give yourself some time to pause and reflect.
Listen to your heart and avoid using logical manner to set priorities.

7.    You need to have a big dream.  Use visualization as your guide to achieve your best possible life and highest potential beyond your imaginations. It should inspire, energize and stir up the essence of your soul.

“It is never too late to be who you might have been.” – George Eliot

Just because there are great odds against achieving your purpose-driven goal does not mean it is impossible. The best things in life come with perseverance and effort.  You need to align with your purpose everyday and do your best.

Being happy doesn’t mean that everything is perfect. It means you’ve decided to look beyond the imperfections. I believe these tips will help you find the answers to the question: "How can I find my purpose in life?"

In summary, two habits are very important  "begin the end in my end"  and "sharpen the saw" from S. Covey's 7 habits are very important.

Do you have a clear direction for your life or are you sleepwalking your life away? 

Below we can discuss "what is my purpose in life".   I used a life wheel. to answer "what is your purpose in life". Click  here to read more article by Susan.

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

how to be best

7 Tips on how to be best of everything you do

Be Best
I love to listen motivational talks and read books on personal developments by people like Gabrielle Bernstein, Anthony Robbins, Dr. Deepak Chopra, Ziglar. From all these books & lectures I found all of them are talking about 7 key habits on how to be the best of everything we do.

And even these 7 habits make great entrepreneurs like Steve Jobs, Mark Zuckerberg, Marissa Mayer, Jack Dorsey or players like Sachin Tendulkar tick.

Here are the 7 habits which can make you best and help you to live your best life.

1. Follow your passion. Life’s too short to spend it doing something you don’t love so follow whatever inspires you. This strong desire will help you to work relentlessly to achieve, to make things happen, to do great things and live your best life.
how to be best of everything
“Whatever the mind can conceive and believe it will achieve.” Napoleon Hill

2. Excellence at what you do should be your focus. You need to prioritize your activity for uninterrupted focus. To be excellent you need to practice as there is no alternative to practice.

"Once you say you are going to settle for second, that’s what happens to you in life.” – John F. Kennedy

3. You must stay positive in all situations. You must be extremely self-confident when it comes to trusting your own instincts.This is probably best live advice.

4. Place yourself in the face of uncertainty. Whenever you face something that makes you to feel uncomfortable or uncertain, it’s an indicator that there are growth opportunities inside you. 

"Talents are best nurtured in solitude; character is best formed in the stormy billows of the world." – Goethe

5. Do introspection. Whenever you introspect on your own thoughts and actions, you gain a greater sense of clarity about yourself and the world around you. Introspection actually answer your question on "how to live your best life?"

6. Detach yourself from material possessions. There is nothing permanent in this world and this includes money, material possessions, success, circumstances and the outcome of different situations. Many of life’s disappointments and miseries come from attaching yourself to particular outcomes. I found detachment sometimes actually helps you to become a better problem solver.

7. Always formulate actionable Step and you should devise your own process to achieve what you want.You can make plan for your business or for improvement of  communication problems in relationships.

Remember that you need not to be the best at world but you need to be at your best.

In today’s over-crowded marketplace where everyone is screaming for attention and an audience, there is one thing that overwhelms and dominates – and that is EXCELLENCE. Excellence always stands out … and the beauty is it can be a journey and a destination.

In summary, you need to be able along with positive intent to be the best you can be. You need to practice. Follow these tips to have best careers for the future or be best in relationships. You may read my article on how to be get a promotion at work to know more on how to be successful at career.

Let’s go back to Malcolm Gladwell’s book, “Outliers” for a second. To guarantee being among the best in the world at something you pretty much need 10,000 hours of practice as per his “10,000 hour rule”. He cites the Beatles, Bobby Fischer as an example.

“Some people dream of Success, while others wake up early and work hard at it.”

So what have you said to yourself that you will be, and what are you doing about it? - discuss how you want to use these tips for your career or building a healthy relationship.  

Author - Rita is relationship expert and she is author of best selling book "how to save your relationship". 

Let me know your comments on how to be best at everything.

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Top 7 Career lessons

career lessons
1. Learn to look impeccable, even in the midst of chaos. Remember you need to accept short term pain for long term gain

2. Trust your team irrespective of their views on your decision. Don’t always assume your first impressions are correct, and make it a point to get to know your colleagues’ true natures.

3. Always be part of team. Never be isolated even though you need to  stand up for what you want

4. Use anger for a purpose. This is powerful weapon if you use it rarely & judiciously.

5. No body is your permanent friend or enemy. Think how to convert problem into solutions. Just think how Mr. Bond escaped from a crocodile-infested lagoon in the Louisiana backwaters in Live and Let Die by just running along the animals’ backs to get to safety.

6. There are many ways of going about making a point and being heard without affecting your ongoing personal brand. Protect your personal brand.

7. The secret of success is love what you do and be sincere to do it.It is necessary for transforming your desperation into inspiration

All these tips will help you to form the correct attitude which is necessary to achieve all personal and professional goals. Click the link to know more on habits of successful people.

You may read Joanna Lumley's career lessons for life at BBC news where she told following as instant career guide to career success -"Say 'yes', be on time, look gorgeous, show willing, be savagely polite," 

Saturday, January 19, 2013

7 success habits

We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence then, is not an act, but a habit. ~ Aristotle ~

1. Fail often, fail fast, fail cheap. Failures are the pillar of success

2. Make an efficient network who can help you. Maintain your relationship even though there is disagreement.

3. Be healthy to be energetic

4. Learn to negotiate for your success. Use positive and negative reinforcement based on situation.

success habits
5. Ensure you learn something new every month. Review your work and do self introspection everyday. This will help you to build a character.

6.Concentrate on your area of focus. I found this work better setting a single goal.

7. Take decision & take action. Avoid analysis paralysis syndrome.

Target to improve yourself 1% every week in your area of focus. Life follows the same laws as physics. It is all about momentum. So to succeed, you need to start things moving.

We are a product of what we repeatedly do.So, start work to build habit for success. Your motivation will go up with every small success.

A habit cannot be tossed out the window; it must be coaxed down the stairs a step at a time.
Mark Twain ~

Friday, January 18, 2013

Discover 7 Habits For Happiness

“Some people CHASE happiness. And some people CHOOSE happiness…” – Robert Holden

We are responsible for our own happiness. It’s nobody’s job to make us happy or create the life we want for us. There’s nobody else we can blame, not our parents, not society and not that girl who broke my heart in 8th grade.

It’s our own responsibility to make sure that our life is worth living. It’s our responsibility to take care of our happiness.

Happiness is always there with us in the moment. We just have to make the shift and choose to see it. When you’re at the very beginning of the journey to creating a life you love, things can get overwhelming pretty quickly.

Here are simple 7 habits which you can adopt in pursuit of happiness

1. Identify what you want & focus on it. But , yoor goals should not create anxiety within you.

2. Engross yourself in something that moves you i.e. your area of focus.

3. Protect your dream.

4. Put the best time of your day where you have maximum interests.

5. Check your progress but stop doing comparison with others achievements.

6. Maintain a purpose and have flexibility to adopt. Sometimes a small mind shift, one little realization can make all the difference.

7. Help others because happiness begets happiness

You need to to appreciate the journey first so you can later appreciate your successes. I see life as one big experiment on happiness.

In summary, happy people are more likely to be successful. Don't allow your goal to do systematic harm to your joy.

Follow these simple tips and make your everyday bright. Click the link to know more on importance of good habits.

Thursday, January 17, 2013

7 Success Mantras For You

Studies show that people who believe that their skills and abilities can GROW not only succeed more, but they also Enjoy their work more, cope more EFFECTIVELY with challenges, and experience LESS anxiety and depression.
1. Business is made up of ambiguous victories and nebulous defeats. Claim them all as victories.people remeber the end of the project.  2. Always choose to do what you’ll remember ten years from now.  3. Keep track of what you do because someone will ask you because job security never exists  4. Never come to boss with problem without solutions. You are getting paid to think.  5. The size of your office is not as important as the size of your pay cheque  6.Never appear stressed in front of a client, a customer or your boss. Just take a deep breath & destress yourself  7. Understand the skills and abilities that set you apart.Use them whenever you have an opportunity.
Golden Rules for Career Success

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

7 tips on how to be happy while being alone

"Nothing is impossible, the word itself says 'I'm possible'!" - Audrey Hepburn

Few days before Anamika asked me "Dada !How do you spend time? Don't you feel bore & dull?'

It was an interesting question because  I never thought about it.  I started thinking "Am I really lonely or alone? " 

I discovered that I’ve created a life with a lot of alone time and that's why I never failed bore. People may think I am introvert or living in silo because I don't engage myself in social gatherings often.

Here I will share you why being alone is not bad and what you can learn from this state. Actually, myself & my wife is alone mostly by our choice and it's NOT imposed upon us.

 A Video on How to be alone and be happy

Here are 7 secrets to being happy alone 

1. Loneliness helps me to create a space where creativity starts because it partially liberates us from the constraints of a social circle which needs and demands more time of us.

2. I learn to enjoy the silence which is really a beautiful.You can learn a lot about yourself in the moments when you’re least occupied—the times when there is nothing to distract you from the thoughts and feelings you deny yourself during your busy days.

3. I able to talk with myself & listen my inner voice . Respecting & listening inner voice is very important.

4.  I get opportunity to relax myself as I have good control of my time.

5. I  am free to use the money the way I want. 

6. Most important point is being alone is NOT the same as being lonely.Whenever I feel lonely, I go out and get around people and even try and assist those who might need my help.

7. I read a lot, play with my pet, write what I want to write. I have joined several online community to share my idea with other like minded people.

However, I must admit some kind of relationship must exist to avoid loneliness. And, you should know , when you are in relationship

"In every relationship, respect is earned, honesty is appreciated, trust is gained, and loyalty is returned"

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

7 Secrets You Should Know

I am going to practice following 7 things in next one month.  These are well known to me since I was  in my teen but never practice them. So, now I identify them as secrets so that it motivates me to follow.

Video On Secrets You Must Discover Before You Die

Here are 7  secrets which I just adopted for better work life balance

1. During each day, you look at your current context and at your next action lists and choose what to do next. It’s easy. But, this leads us to an infinite task loop and we make little progress toward completing our actual work.

2. It's important to know completion criteria & budget required.

3. Don't allow work to eat personal time of your life

4. Make your work environment a complete absence of distractions

5. Reward yourself for every in between achievement.

6. Learn to accept failures

7. Golden rule : Time doesn’t just spend itself: time is spent on activities. So avoid over 

Commitments-Let me know what you think to be "Giver" from "Taker"  and leave your comments.

Monday, January 14, 2013

7 Resolutions Before Start of My New Job

1) I will take a small step with full of confidence . This should be a new beginning for me.
2) I will follow 80/20 rule and concentrate more on activities which gives better result. I will  stop tracking commodity prices from tomorrow.
3) I will follow my own plan & dream. I will protect my dream.
4) I will focus on solution rather than only problem.
5) I will stop burning midnight candle. I will sleep as this is the best gift God gave us.
6) I will be optimistic and will look forward. I will create a compelling vision which will pull me.
7) I will learn from my past but will live in present.
I'm sure all these 7 resolutions will open abundant  opportunities to me. I will unlock the secret door of peace in life
."Always bear in mind that your own resolution to succeed is more important than any other."

Sunday, January 13, 2013

how to build emotional connections

Emotional connection with team is very important for a corporate leader. Here are simple but effective tips on how to master the emotional connection within family, friends, co-workers, customers everybody even if you are an introvert person.

1) Improve your interpersonal skills for better human connection. Here is a video on how build emotional connections.

2) Give people your undivided attention even you are very busy.  

3) Emotions are contagious. your emotional state has a significant influence on those you work with, especially when you're the boss. Quarantine yourself if you are anxious

4) Engage in discussion with your people. You and your team should feel a sense of purpose for doing work. This is key for emotional connections with customers.

5) Actively provide feedback to your team.

6) Do introspection & do damage control quickly for all. Have a feeling of gratitude.

7) Silence is golden. In these speedy and noisy times, this old maxim is more true than ever. The natural silence all around us is drowned out by the constant drone of production, and the silence within is overwhelmed by the speed of our hyper driven minds. Learn to control your mind.

The more you focus on the quality of emotional connections at your work place, the greater will be your quantity of output.

Consider the compelling results of recent market research on the subject. A 2003 Gallup study suggests that no matter how high a company's customer satisfaction levels may appear to be, "satisfying customers without creating an emotional connection with them has no real value. None at all." But when Gallup looked at customers who credited emotional connection as part of their deep satisfaction and loyalty to a store, they also found that those customers visited that business more often and spent more.

Here I'm referring to 4th habit i.e. win/win of Covey' famous 7 habits. If you face any challenge analyze the situation which is creating trouble to set up a win/win situation and later find a procedure to reward yourself to break any such bad habit.

When it comes to happiness and success in life, emotional intelligence (EQ) matters just as much as intellectual ability (IQ). 

Saturday, January 12, 2013

7 Secrets To Get What You Want

In life, you have to choose and work  to fulfill your dream. Abhi, an accomplished MLM business owner,  exposed  these secret  tips  to me which he used for his down line.

7 best tips on how to reach your goals in life

1.  Create your goal, visualize & check it daily.

If you find that you are NOT  "there" for 30 consecutive days, take a conscious decision to change.

This will help you to find happiness because this is your passion. So, be honest to yourself.

Here is a great  video by Richard on brain power. Follow this outstanding work on neuro-plastic and enjoy.

2.  Decide FIRST "what to do". After that make a "how to do" plan. Follow a discipline and exercise moral control.

If we did the things we are capable of, we would astound ourselves - Thomas Edison

3.  If you need to practice, do that regularly. Abhi told initially he used  to convert 1 out of 130 presentations of Amway . Today his conversion rate is 1:47  and his down line enjoy average conversion rate 1:71 . He achieved this fantastic rate out of sheer practice. Practice gives him experience and with experience he can make better strategy.  His target is to improve conversion rate for his team to 1:50.

4.  You are responsible for your future because your thoughts & words are responsible for this. So, Mind your thoughts and your words. Through your thoughts and words you create your own weaknesses and strengths.  Your limitations begin in your mind where you can always replace negative with positive.

5.  Surround yourself with people who can pull  you up. Here is the importance of networking. Abhi told me that he is successful because he was part of a good team who are positive, helpful and always there for him to lift him up.

The great Zig Ziglar once said, “You can get everything in life you want if you will just help enough other people get what they want.”   In other words, what goes around comes around in this world.  As we work to create light for others, we naturally light our own

6. Use constant affirmation. Never be afraid to review your goals, evaluate whether you are still 100% committed to them celebrate each milestones.

7. Enjoy your life, family and respect the time. Read the article on 7 habits to know more importance on good habits.

"A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty" - Winston Churchill

Friday, January 11, 2013

7 Tips for Driving Safely

How to control your mind while diving?

 1. Before you the start the engine of your car, take 3 deep breaths.This will make you calm  and relaxed. This is best antidote to road rage. You may read article on how to break habit.

2. Switch off the radio & CD in your car to experience the silence because silence gives you an opportunity to fill your awareness with other perceptions.This will improve your alertness.

3.Relax each muscle of your body while driving. This will reduce your tension behind the wheel.

4.Always drive below the speed limit

5.Don't be competitive while driving because this leads to tension.

6.Always be aware of the other traffic around you.This will help your reaction time for any unexpected.

Dr. Richard Davidson's neuroscience research group at the University of Wisconsin finds that mindfulness practice speeds up reaction time - as mentioned  in Huffington post.

7.Use every stop light or any other necessary stop to practice a fuller mindfulness of your body. When you’ve stopped, it’s safe to let your awareness more fully connect with your breathing.

I hope these 7 tips will help you hit the road fully alert, calm, and focused.

Related articles on safe driving :Road Rage: The Ultimate Accident (allstate.com)

Thursday, January 10, 2013

7 Tips For Transition from Ineffectiveness to Effectiveness

Do you think you are unsuccessful?

Are you suffering from inferiority complex for that?

Here are 7 most useful tips to change your mind & belief.

(1)  You need to know what you want and what's your key desire at the depth of your heart.

(2) Ensure you have your own personal goal and check how far you progress you made based on your plan.

(3) You should do what you need to do  without deferring it. Timely completion work is critical for your own feeling of accomplishment.

(4) You have to take initiative to fix your own problem. Others can help but can't solve your problem. Click the link to know why being proactive is one of the good habit according to S. Covey.

(5) Learn to forget & forgive. This is very critical for your self growth

(6) Your future will be based on the actions you have taken in present. So take action to enjoy happiness in present.

(7) You need to take calculated risk to achieve goal or fulfill your desire and check how far you progress you made based on your plan.

See the video by Brian Tracy where he explained  "Achieving Goals is Predictable"

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

just say no

just say no

7 Tips on how to say no

It is VERY important to say a Clear "No"and I learned it from my life experience. I found this is the biggest challenge for most people. As a result they stuck with bad relation or a bad job etc. To know how to say "NO" politely is also one of the tips to get a promotion at work

Why it's difficult to say NO?

People are trained into saying "Yes" by their upbringing, to keep the peace or to be polite.

How to Say No Without Feeling Guilty

Polite ways to say no - 7 tips

1. You need to have a clear vision.  Once you know what your vision is, it’ll be extremely easy to say no, because now you have a clear reason to do so. The clearer you are, the easier it will be to say no, because you know you’ll be jeopardizing this vision whenever you say yes to something that doesn’t bring you there. Click the link to read more on good habits i.e. begin with the end in mind.

2. Time is more precious than money so you need to enjoy the life to the fullest. So, think long-term implications before responding "YES" or "NO"

3. It is NOT RUDE to say "NO" because it's your decision. You can't help if others feel unhappy with your decision.

4. You can select any one medium like face-to-face, instant messaging, emailing, SMS, phone call based on YOUR comfort.

5. Your response should be clear. And you should NOT engage in a long explanation.

6. Be respectful in your reply, value the other party’s stance and you’ll be fine.

7.  Once you say "NO" to somebody, make yourself very less accessible to them.

Why it's so important to say a firm NO?

If you say "YES" instead of "NO", you might say no to things which are close to your heart, your dream or your own value system. So, be honest to yourself, do practice to train yourself to say "No".

In summary learn to know polite ways to say no  is really helpful to relieve stress.

Share your comments on just say no .

How To Get A Promotion At Work

Tips On How To Get A Promotion

Majority of people get upset, curse their seniors or start neglecting their regular work. You shouldn't let the disappointment stunt your performance or your career.

Hold on your chair as I am to going expose 10 poignant truths of corporate life .....which are stopping you to get the promotion
"Promote yourself but do not demote another." Israel Salanter

Carrer Planning Guide

10 tips on how do you get promoted & Ask For A Raise

1. You NEED to beat your own drum.Self advertisement is most important in corporate world. You might completed several complicated job on time but ensure that somebody else is not getting the credit.

2. You might be Master Degree holder, you might be PhD from reputed University but those academic qualification & fundamental work will not help you to get the desired pay raise even you are more than just fit for the raise. Qualification alone will not help you. You need to check your marketable skills also.

You need to create a sustained brand in your career that will take you all the way, and allow you to still keep your personal values intact.

3. You need to understand importance of attitude at work. You need to be a good and polite listener. You always need to strive for the best. You should set high target and benchmark your performance regularly. There is no alternative of self improvement.

4. You should have a strong belief on yourself . This will lead to a confidence and passion. Passion is very critical for success. You need to take strategic risks.You can become a winner in everything you do when you learn how to program your thoughts with a winning, promotable attitude. Promotable people are set apart from the crowd. They believe in themselves and their abilities.

5. Remember that when you point a finger at others, remember three are pointing back at you. Stop blaming others. Be sincere in all your relations in office. You need to have the wisdom and will power to know that you can make a positive change. Your own passion for work and belief in your own value system is important.

6. You should learn how to behave in  a meeting if you are in conflict with others. Always try to be innovative in conflict resolution with your peers or boss. Make suggestions and be articulate in meeting. Be  a good team player.

7. You should discuss  your career development plans with your people manager or human resource team. Try to get to know the promotional process like interviews , desired skills from external candidates.

how to get promoted
8. You should acquire job related knowledge, skills , abilities to effectively accomplish your work. Most importantly, you should consider a sweet spot between what you like, your competency level and what pays well. This is important for proper career planning that will help you to get a promotion.

9. Most importantly, discuss with your senior  about the possibility of a promotion or role change which will lead to a promotion.  If you want the opportunity to advance -- take the initiative. This is important to climb the corporate ladder.It will be great if you have mentoring relationship with senior executives.

10. Tell your customers what you can do and deliver!  Don’t tell them what you used to do or how things used to be managed.  Just get to it and do it!

These tips are useful for career success for newbies as well as experienced professionals. Here are top 7 career lessons to know how to be successful at work.

Always remember that it is your responsibility to make yourself promotable.

This is important for getting a promotion. Now you may not get the official promotion today, but your actions will produce a winners attitude in your habits and those habits will begin to create positive results.

A great video by Leila on why you're not getting a promotion

Please make your comment below on "how to get a promotion at job".

Useful resources on how to get a promotion :

Read more here: http://miamiherald.typepad.com/worklifebalancingact/2012/01/how-to-land-a-job-or-promotion-and-find-work-life-balance-in-2012.html#storylink=cpy

image source: careersuccess

Friday, January 4, 2013

Are you fired from job?

“In the right key one can say anything.  In the wrong key, nothing: the only delicate part is the establishment of the key.”
—George Bernard Shaw

"you're fired.."

 Last week I met one of my old friend, Arnab who work in a large multinational company for last 24 years.  Being Economist he normally work with large multinationals on strategic transformation projects. ......click here to know what Arnab after he was fired from job.


Tuesday, January 1, 2013

6 new marketing trends for 2013

Will micro innovation define trends in marketing for 2013 & beyond?

1. Mobile apps like slice, dashlane etc & other digital marketing tactics will influence consumer buying decision.

Chris Marentis  mentioned in his post that 2012 saw more and more technology move towards mobile devices and serving consumer demand for mobile applications.

It is predicted that by 2014 the majority of people accessing the internet will do so from mobile devices.

 In 2013, mobile is certain to continue its growth and “reinvention of the wheel”, as some search marketing experts have put it. Companies are already beginning to recognize the need of mobile marketing trends  to serve mobile demand. Mobiles apps for business will be must and  mobile app development be one of the fastest growing occupation in international market.


 How to create android apps & games . Android app development is a new money making opportunity because Android captures 72% of the world wide market.


2013 will see more and more companies adopting digital marketing strategy.

A video by JWTIntelligence - 10 Trends for 2013 in 2 minutes which will impact marketing 

2.Augmented reality will influence buying or renting industry. This types of interactive marketing services will mainly influence fashion industry.

3.Crowd sourcing and crowd funding will support new idea & create new market. Authors & publisher are joining together to create  a new model for publishing. Best talent from all aspects of publishing can join together in this online marketplace.

4. More and more women will work in senior influential corporate position. The way to do business will change due to increase in feminine qualities in corporate worlds.

5. Recession will force people to enroll in online education. This will change the trend for formal education in coming days.

6.The Expansion of Local Search will remain key. In 2007, Google made a calculated shift towards providing searchers with locally relevant search results. The majority of searches at the time were found to actually be seeking local results, so Google decided to service the need. This shift reinvented the way people search and the way marketers approach their marketing strategies.

In 2012, Google made the switch from Google Places to Google+ Local. 2013 will see the expansion and further implementation of search engine updates to better serve the demand for local results. 

In 2013, companies will also expand their local search marketing efforts in an attempt to capture as much local market share for their products and services as possible.

CMO’s and marketing departments invest more in software and infrastructure and sponsor new transformation projects based on recent trends in marketing management.Online, inline and offline communications and real-time changes will drive investment, Role of CMO will also change. 

In this current one button economy Rohit Bhargava explained the importance micro innovation and virtual trust in his latest report on 15 Marketing & Business Trends In 2013 That Will Change Your Business.

Steve Jobs on Marketing 

Please share your comments below to discuss various new trends in marketing management & research. Read here new article on mobile apps business.