What causes Obesity and How to Prevent It?
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Obesity - Isn't a Laughter |
Ancient caveman needed to eat what they could when it was available because next meal could be a long way of. Tough mankind made an outstanding progress in science & technology but our body is hopelessly out of sync with the modern environment.
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What's the biggest challenge for you to lose weight?
If you lose weight, your body will work hard to make sure they regain it.
Reason for your obesity
1. Over eating : If you eat sugary good, your body releases dopamine which signals pleasure and gives motivation. But if you are already obese, you are conditioned to getting excited by the sight of sugary food. But it's found that fat people seem to have fewer dopamine receptors. This actually lead you to overeating.
Role of hormones
I found after some research that ghrelin , made in the stomach signals hunger and Leptin, a hormone secreted from fatty acid tells the brain to stop eating.
Actually Leptin plays a crucial role in managing your weight. A study by Joseph at Melbourne university found that even after 1 year leptin level is low but ghrelin is high for people who lost weight by dieting. You may refer to my article on "obesity treatment guideline".
2. Sedentary lifestyle
Yaro published an interesting article on this at his blog "sitting down is killing you". Sitting down is killing because we put all this junk into our body, then by sitting down for long periods we switch our body off from doing anything with it. It is found that obese people sits 2.5 hours more than thin people.
You may read JAMES VLAHOS on why sitting is a lethal activity. In this article. he described the danger of sitting long. Sitting long reduces body's electrical activity as a result Calorie-burning rate immediately plunges to about one per minute. It reduces Insulin effectiveness also The enzymes responsible for breaking down lipids and triglycerides plunge, which in turn causes the levels of good (HDL) cholesterol to fa
2. Sedentary lifestyle
Yaro published an interesting article on this at his blog "sitting down is killing you". Sitting down is killing because we put all this junk into our body, then by sitting down for long periods we switch our body off from doing anything with it. It is found that obese people sits 2.5 hours more than thin people.
You may read JAMES VLAHOS on why sitting is a lethal activity. In this article. he described the danger of sitting long. Sitting long reduces body's electrical activity as a result Calorie-burning rate immediately plunges to about one per minute. It reduces Insulin effectiveness also The enzymes responsible for breaking down lipids and triglycerides plunge, which in turn causes the levels of good (HDL) cholesterol to fa
In this context, I found George Orwell suggestion is very true where he mentioned "changes in diet" is more important than :"changes of dynasty or even of religion"
Controlling of obesity is responsibility of individual as well as state.
You may read "obesity treatment guideline" to know how as an individual you can control obesity.
How state can help to manage this obesity epidemic?
Let' see what does obesity cause to state. American Institute of Medicine reckons that Americans spend between $150 billion to $190 billion for obesity related diseases. This is a economic problem for a state. Apart from cost it impacts productivity and army also.
You may get facts of obesity at world obesity statistics along with ranking here .
8 steps state can take for obesity management
1. Starting a campaign like anti obesity like anti smoking & anti HIV.
2. Check the kid's health and encourage them to pick good habit. This will help to control teen obesity.
3. Provide discount on health insurance for thoe who are not overweight
4. Encouraging exercise by creating a suitable environment and providing discounted access.
5. Put strict regulation in serving junk food to kid because change in diet is single most effective way to lose weight.
6. Put more taxes on soda & soft drinks.
7. Increase tax for obese people
8. Easy access to clinical counseling for obesity management at least for morbidly obese patients.
Reference: What is the definition of obesity?
Other Weight Loss related articles in health category
- Tips On Best Way To Lose Weights
- Why Brown Fat is the key for your quick fat loss
- Why am I fat?
- obesity treatment guidelines to lose weight quickly
- Is Obesity A Caveman Curse ?
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