Is Augmented Reality a disruptive technologies ?
Telecom blogger Mr. Pradeep Chakraborty mentioned in his award winning blog that
• The increasing focus on incorporating augmented reality (AR) elements within mobile applications will lead to nearly 1.4 billion annual downloads of such apps worldwide by 2015, up from just over 11 million last year.
• Annual revenues generated by mobile AR applications and services are expected to approach $1.5 billion by 2015, up from less than $2 million in 2010.Telecom blogger Mr. Pradeep Chakraborty mentioned in his award winning blog that
• The increasing focus on incorporating augmented reality (AR) elements within mobile applications will lead to nearly 1.4 billion annual downloads of such apps worldwide by 2015, up from just over 11 million last year.
Video on Augmented Reality & Motion Capture Shopping App
• Enterprise apps with AR elements are expected to account for the third-largest proportion of revenues by 2015, after location-based search and games. High-profile companies such as Carlsberg are integrating branded AR apps into wider campaigns, while others – Time Out, Royal Mail, Coca Cola - are using B2C applications such as junaio to facilitate AR content. These initiatives are indicative of a growing desire amongst brands to use AR as a key tool to engage with the consumer.
In this report I will be evaluating how AR will help consumers and why it’s simply not a disruption but a real thing.
Let me first explain what is android augmented reality?
Augmented Reality is the process where computer generated graphics is added to real life photos to provide additional information to the user. AR and its comparison with virtual reality are best explained in this video. Android augmented reality is nothing but AR working on Amdroid phones.
From a pure technology standpoint, AR requires object recognition and computerization on the mobile device itself, as well as 3D rendering to superimpose images on the real world. With there always on connections and high quality cameras the current generations of smart phones provide a natural home for Augmented Reality, and it’s now possible to create your own AR scenes with the Aurasma App on the iPhone.
Here is an excellent article describing how to create augmented reality using Aurasma App on the iPhone.
Best augmented reality app based on my personal experience
Pioneer augmented reality navigation system
9 iPhone & Android Apps that will make you feel like you're in the future through augmented reality.
In my last few trips to aboard to attend affiliate summit or conference, I got opportunity to experience following apps which make me feel that I’m actually in future or in a country of science fiction. I’m really fan of these 9 iPhone & Android apps. Actually some of these apps are also changing the landscape for online marketing.
Augmented Car Finder, Spyglass , Golfscape GPS Rangefinder, ZipReality Real Estate, Metro AR Pro ,Google Goggles, Layar, Yelp. Personally I like ios augmented reality over augmented reality on android.
How to Create Your Own Augmented Reality?
Here are three of the companies behind several recent promotions: Ogmento, Metaio, Total Immersion. You can contact them to create special promo for your marketing initiative. Here are some application of AR in real life It is also reported in PCworld that Google will come with its own google glasses. The glasses will have a built-in low-resolution camera that will look at what the wearer is seeing and then overlay information about nearby buildings and friends -- a bit like the glasses in the Terminator movies.
A new total immersion augmented apps demoed at the Texas Instruments booth this year at this year’s Mobile World Congress which can assist retail apparel purchases from internet.
How AR is going to benefit telecos as well as well as content provider in India?
Here is a vast scope for entrepreneur to build AR based application for promotion of real estates, educations, location finder and tourism industry. There are popular games like batman augmented reality, Augmented Reality Gaming on PS Vita.

There is also possibility to add location based ad as an extra revenue option. AR goggles developed by Oytun Akman at the Delft University of Technology in the Netherlands,make crime scene investigation a desk job . These types of 3D application can be localized for India and can be used to stop ant subversive activities or counter terrorism.
There are several augmented reality sdk kits are available for developing these types of AR application. Some Angel investors consider AR as a possible disruptive technology and might be ready to invest because there is no doubt about its market.
Augmented reality training
Dr. Tony Karrer is CEO/CTO of TechEmpower, a Los Angeles Web Development firm, and is considered one of the top technologists in e-Learning shared some top links on "Augmented Reality for Learning."
Some of the best selling book on Amazon on AR
1. Pro iOS 5 Augmented Reality
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