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Sunday, July 28, 2013

aquaponic gardening

7 Steps To Building An Aquaponic Gardening At Home

aquaponic garden
aquaponic garden at my back yard
In part one of aquaponics information for beginners, we talked about  how Aquaponics 4 you helped me to design & build my own system at home.

In this article, we will talk about the actual steps to building aquaponic gardening and some sources to find the parts you need.

Follow the given instructions carefully, and you'll know how to make a fully functional aquaponic system. How to assemble it may seem tricky at first, but it's relatively simple once you get the hang of it.

A video on Aquaponic Gardening

My recommended 7 steps on aquaponic gardening for growing fish & plant together

Step 1: The fish tank will need to be placed in the ground, partly submerged in the soil, as this will help maintain the optimal temperature for the water and the fish. So you'll need to dig a hole for the tank to be placed in. Place the tank in a shaded area, as too much sunlight will cause quicker evaporation and the tank will require more frequent refilling.

Step 2: Now take the waterproof cable and connect it to the water pump and the air pump and attach them to the power point. (Make sure it stays Switched OFF!) Remember to cover up the electric parts with a waterproof container, and keep it away from the fish. Burying it into the soil is the safest.

Step 3: Closely place the plant-grow tank diagonally above the fish tank. This will help the water pump and circulate between the tanks more easily. The grow-tub should also have tiny holes drilled at the bottom at its tip, which faces the tank below so that the water penetrates and returns back to the fish tank. The tiles can also help by creating a slanted roof, over which the water will slide into the tank below.
Step 4: Connect the pond pump with the garden hosepipe and the automated surge protector.

Step 5: Now de-chlorinate the water by leaving it be for an hour. Then add the fish.

Step 6: Add the grow matter, such as clay or gravel into the plant tank and place your plants into the tank as well. You can also plant seeds, which will germinate without any problems.

Step 7: You will need to keep a check on the water level and the fish. Keep them well fed, as that is directly related to the growth of the plants. Also giving the plants regular vitamin supplements will be very beneficial for their general well-being. Make sure that the tanks are not contaminated by feces from birds and insects. 

Always remember to clean your aquaponics system at least once a month.

I’m excited after seeing my success in growing up the system at my backyard with little effort and some initial investment.

Are you interested to set up your own garden?

Diwnlaod Aquanponics 4 you PDF manual. This is a step by step guide on how to build a  diy Aquaponics garden at your backyard.

Aquaponics: Bringing Organic Gardening to Cities And Drought Stricken Regions

Now I’m working with NGO to use this break-through organic gardening secret in cities and drought-stricken regions in Maharsatra. I am taking help from GrowHaus — co-founded by Adam Brock,who works in partnership with JD and Tawnya Sawyer of Colorado Aquaponic. I'm planning to use rainwater harvesting and an Aquaponics systems together. I'm planning to use a flood and drain system instead of a nutrient film system or a deep water raft system.

This NGO provides consulting on aquaponic food production. Finally, we want to build commercial aquaponics, because this is a good investment strategy with high ROI.

We are building aquaponics design software like Clear Flow Aquaponic Systems, but this will be more focused for farmers on the Asian subcontinent.

The prime feature of our design will be an integrated heat exchanger that will dramatically improve both energy and water usage efficiencies.  The typical aquaponics system requires between a 6% to 8% water change per day, while our system averages about a 2% water change per week, due to the extra water added through the dehumidification process.

If you would like to contribute to this project, which is not only good for India, but also good for the sustainability of the planet, please send us help with your generous contribution. I thank you in advance for your support.

Please click the link to donate $5 to help us deploy the pilot in villages 

We are also planning to create a project self-cleaning fish tank that grows food in  crowd funding platform like Kickstarter. Here is another article on how we are using aquaponics system to support feeding the hunger program in India & Africa.
Share your best tips on aquaponic gardening below. 

Saturday, July 27, 2013

social media for job search

How I find best career for me using social media?

11 Smart Tips For Using Social Media To Find A Job—Even In This Economy (part 3)

Good news job-hunters, you are now just 4 tips away from knowing all there is to know about using social media to find a job in the fastest growing occupations (or any occupations, really).

In part 1 and part 2, we covered things like how to safely network on Facebook, find information on hiring managers, correctly hyperlink to your resume, strategically use Facebook lists,  what networks to use, how to let people know you are looking for a job and more.

So without further ado, let’s get started on numbers 8, 9, 10 and 11 now!

8.    Create The Connections You Need To Get The Job

The vast majority of job openings in the fastest growing occupations areas are never advertised; they’re filled by word of mouth. That’s why networking is the best way to find a job. Here is a great article on how to find a job by building relationships:

Lars Schmidt, head of talent acquisition & innovation at NPR recently commented, “You can imagine social media as a big virtual conference where you have an opportunity to start making connections.” Once you build connections this way you’ll never have to worry about getting a job in one of the fastest growing occupations without references.

If you are using social media to find a job and you have few target companies in mind, I recommend you to avail the service of  Evisors. Evisors offers job seekers the chance to get individually tailored résumé advice and interview preparation help directly from some 2,000 people who either work at target companies or have in the past.

9.    Use SEO Marketing To Get Google Love

When trying to find a job in the fastest growing occupations, you should use proper keywords in your resume. This will increase your chance of getting an interview call. You need to do some SEO/SEM on your profile so that you can be found in the top 3 positions in all search engines.

10.    Join Industry Chats On Twitter

When using social media to get a job, it is a good idea to look for chats that revolve around your industry, or better yet, the industry you want to work in. Joining online conversations helps you keep up-to-date on the industry, meet helpful contacts, and showcase your expertise in your field. You may also want to network with other job seekers through weekly conversations like #jobhuntchat or #careerchat

11.    Helpful Sites For Job Seekers

a.    Networking has long been the key to landing a job. But as social media plays an increasingly prominent role in how we communicate, the way we network is changing. Network roulette from Brazen Careerist brings you online speed networking and everything you need to create a social resume.

b.    Fistful of Talent  - You’ll learn things like how recruiters find candidates online, the kinds of questions they like, or their own worries about the recruiting process.

c.    Seeking Alpha: This website graciously transcribes public companies' earnings conference calls. This allows you to brush up on all the crucial, timely details about the company you really want to work for, giving you the kind of insight that can elevate a cover letter or interview.

d.    CareerDiva: Eve Tahmincioglu describes her site as "the thinking man or woman's career blog." But even if you're not much of thinker, her advice will make you smarter, in part because she has her nose in the news. If you're short on time, just click on the "Getting Hired" tag.

e.    Indeed's Job Trends: Wondering what kind of positions are growing in demand? You can search any term to see the growth in percentage of posts that include the term. The kind of words that are showing up in an increasing number of posts: Facebook, iPhone, virtualization, social media.

And to know projected fastest-growing occupations (physical therapists, biomedical engineers, dental hygienists, etc.) and occupations with the biggest declines (farmers and ranchers, file clerks, telemarketers, etc.), visit Bureau of Labor Statistics.

f.    Stay active on Foursquare, YouTube, and Pinterest. Using these platforms will help you build your on-line presence, share your interests, and demonstrate your creativity, but remember, this also makes it even more critical to control your content.

g.    Raise your KLOUT score.  KLOUT is a site that monitors and scores your on-line presence.  Conventional wisdom is that the higher the score, the better you are known on various social media networks.  This can be especially helpful in jobs that involve communications, marketing, and technology.

My point is that as social media becomes incorporated more fully into business (and it will!), being savvy about Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn will become a critical skill set.

In today’s business landscape, jobs are becoming less specialized and more general; the more you know, the more hireable you become. Today, while the job market is still bouncing back, employers are using social media to screen applicants more and more.

The caveat about using social media to find a job is that you need to have a clear social media strategy to market your resume and manage the time you spend on the online platforms.

A final note: Competition for advertised, non-hidden jobs is tougher as more people fight for a smaller number of openings than what are really available. So, you have to be job innovator based on your specialization and economic condition. Here is another great article which I often refer my clients to during one to one career coaching:  55 Hidden Job Finding Tips WITHOUT Using Social Media .

Author – Dr Mala is the author of Amazing Resumes, where she taught the principles of Guerrilla Resume & cover letter to get a job you choose in the fastest growing occupations through 2016.

By reading all three parts of the series, How You Can Find A Job In The Fastest Growing Occupations Using Social Media: 11 Smart Tips For Using Social Media To Find A Job—Even In This Economy, you have learned how to successfully and safely use each of the top 3 social media platforms to find a job.

Whether you already have a job or you are already in need of a new one, this series of articles can help you on your way. Refer back to them as needed, or pass them along to a friend or co-worker that could use the advice.

Best of luck with your job search!

Related articles : job interview tips  

amazing resumes

Best social media strategy to find good paying careers

In part 1 of "How You Can Find A Job In The Fastest Growing Occupations Using Social Media: 11 Smart Tips For Using Social Media To Find A Job—Even In This Economy,” we talked about what networks to use and how to let people know you are looking for a job. All these are required for guerrilla marketing of your amazing resume

Today, you will discover how to safely network on Facebook, find information on hiring managers, correctly hyperlink to your resume, strategically use Facebook lists and more.

Are you ready to find a secure job among the fastest growing occupations in today’s job market?
Then let’s get started…

3.    Don’t Be Afraid To Network On Facebook

Much of your Facebook profile is public by default, and you probably don’t want a potential employer browsing your personal updates. Under Account, then Privacy Settings, choose “Friends Only.” That way, an employer who Googles you won’t be able to see the details of your profile, your photos, or your personal status updates.

4.    Make Sure Your Facebook Profile Is Private

One way to ensure employers can’t snoop when you are using social media to find a job is to keep your Facebook profile as private as you can. First, run a quick Google search to make sure your profile no longer pops up in association with your name. If it does, you can make your profile unreachable by search engines by clicking on the “Ads, Apps, and Websites” option under “Privacy settings.” Edit your settings under the “Public search” category.

Consider restricting who can send you friend requests, and keep your phone number and email address limited to only friends. You can also restrict who sends you messages and who can see what others post on your timeline — choose from pre-determined options or customize it to specifically block this information from those who you may have friends for professional reasons.

5.    Find Information About Hiring Managers

Alison Green from Ask a Manager believes the job interview starts at the first email. Hence, job seekers using social media to find a job should try to get the name of the hiring manager through one of their social networks first, then direct calling to the office, using Hoover’s, trade publications or from the listing of senior managers.

Katharine Hansen, Ph.D., creative director and associate publisher of Quintessential Careers posted an extremely valuable article “Sleuthing Out Hiring Managers is Key to Job-Search Follow-up” on her blog.

You can also refer to Alison’s full article on “21 Things Hiring Managers Wish You Knew

A proper social media strategy & marketing is very important along with an amazing resume.

6.    Hyperlink Your Resume

When using social media to find a job in one of the fastest growing occupations, you should link to your Twitter, Facebook & other publications on your resume, so that the hiring manager can easily learn more about you from social media.

Add the URL for your Twitter handle and LinkedIn profile to your contact information on your resume. (But don’t add your Facebook profile, since that’s private.) Not only does this offer the employer another way of getting in touch with you and seeing how you interact online, it also shows that you’re social media-savvy, a skill valued by many employers

7.    Be Strategic With Facebook Lists

Facebook’s list feature allows you to continue building your network without worrying about professional contacts seeing your personal updates. Under Account, then Friends, create a new list, and customize your privacy settings so professional friends can only see what you want them to see. That way your close friends can still keep up with your photos and personal updates even though you are still using social media to get a job.

If you have read How You Can Find The Fastest Growing Occupations Using Social Media: 11 Smart Tips For Using Social Media To Find A Job—Even In This Economy Parts 1 & 2, then congratulations, you have now gotten 7 of the 11 top tips for finding a job with social media.

In part 3 ( How I find best career for me using social media) , we will cover the last 4 points: How to create the connections you need, how to use the search engines to get Google love, how to get in on Twitter industry chats, and the Internet’s best sites for job seekers.

Check it out now!

Related articles : job interview tips  

fastest growing occupations

How You Can Find A Job In The Fastest Growing Occupations Using Social Media 

11 Smart Tips For Using Social Media To Find A Job—Even In This Economy

"The resume is going to be dead," predicts career expert and best-selling author Nicole Williams, who wrote Girl on Top book. 

So what is a job-hunter to do? It’s simple. The newest trend in job hunting in this economy is using social media to find a job.

Social media helps individuals "have a voice." It helps a person to become recognized in his area of expertise, and this helps him to be found. Your unique voice and online presence, along with an appropriate resume, can help you get the job you want and the salary you deserve, even during a recession.

In this 3 part series, I will explain to you the best ways for using social media to find a job in the fastest growing occupations.

Here are 11 tips for using social media in your job search for the fastest growing occupations.

1.    Use social media sites like Facebook, Twitter, And Linkedin

How active are you on social networking sites?

According to a recent LHH survey, 48 percent of job seekers report being active daily on social networking sites, while 19 percent are active two-three times a week. But 24 percent of respondents reported they are rarely or never active on social networking sites, putting them at a disadvantage in terms of findability and being known.

The top three methods for sourcing talent are referrals, internal job postings and networking – and all share an important commonality. That is, the individuals are known by someone within the company. So, your profile and interaction on a social site opens up the inside track & boosts your visibility.

3 Simple Tips On How To Use Facebook For Job Search

A billion people still use Facebook, so it can’t be neglected. Here are simple ways this popular social network can be used for a job search. Melonie Dodaro mentioned in her blog that  Facebook marketing of your resume is important  and here are best tips for that.

1)    Use Facebook apps like Social Jobs Partnership app

2)    If your personal profile is strictly for friends’ eyes only, consider creating your own dedicated professional page to display only professional information.

3)    Use Facebook Marketplace for available job opportunities in local markets.

3 Simple tips on how to use Twitter for job search

a)    Use your real name and keep your Twitter ID professional.

b)    You need an open profile so other users can search for your tweets and easily find you. Recruiters use keywords and hashtag searches (which group tweets by topic) through the Twitter search function to find potential candidates for open positions. So, keep your updates public.

c)    Follow people who work in your industry or companies that interest you. Interacting and building relationships with people who are already working at those companies may help you uncover job openings that aren’t posted on popular job boards. Join tweetchat and manage a list.

3 Simple tips on how to use LinkedIn for job search

a)    Create a 100% complete profile
b)    Include your picture. Your picture should be professional so that you look smart. Your look does matter.
c)    Put proper keywords in the title & summary

2.    Let People Know You’re Looking For A Job

Using social media to find a job in the fastest growing occupations won’t work if you don’t tell anyone you are looking for one. 

If you don’t have a job, you can send mass email to your contacts,  but it’s better to contact them individually. Please explain the types of jobs you’re looking for, and then directly ask for what you’d like your contact to do.

If you are currently employed, you are in luck. Most career experts would tell you to start looking for a new job while you’re still employed. Though you must tread carefully so you don’t lose your current job.

However, the benefits still outweigh the bad. When you’re working, your professional network is working for you because you’re constantly interacting with your industry contacts. They can inform you about jobs you may not be aware of, whereas if you’re not working, you’re out of sight and out of mind.

Use your former employers as references and be very careful who you tell!

Today you have learned what networks to use and how to let people know you are looking for a job.

See part 2  of  How you can find the fastest growing occupations using social media :  Amazing Resume

11 Smart Tips For Using Social Media To Find A Job—Even In This Economy to find out how to safely network on Facebook, find information on hiring managers, correctly hyperlink to your resume, strategically use Facebook lists and more!

Related articles : job interview tips 

Saturday, July 13, 2013

how to create a resume

How To Create A Resume That Will Get You Hired FAST?

how to crteate a resume
how to create a resume
When you are job hunting, you may be one of hundreds, sometimes even thousands of people who are competing for one job opening. 

This means that to get the job, you need to stand out among the rest

This short, but information packed article will give you professional advice on doing just that, in just a few simple steps.

Tips On How To Create A Resume That Stands Out Among The Crowd

A resume is a summary of your employment history, which should be written with the right amount of information to entice a potential employer to want to know more, and consequently, invite you to attend an interview. Too much information can sometimes work against you, and hitting the right balance takes practice.

A resume should always be customized to the position you are applying for and used in conjunction with a cover letter.

One of the readers of my blog, Dr. Mala from RCS, was kind enough to share her personal experience & tips on resume writing"

I have seen many people not make the cut to an interview because they presented a poorly written and composed resume. These applications, more often than not, end up straight in the recycling bin, and with employment competition as fierce as it is in this tough economy, you have no room for error.

If you are fresh, you should do your dream job exercise so you will know what you want to do with your career. This is very important for both your future success and your future job satisfaction.

Here are my Top 8 Tips for Creating a Resume that Screams “You’re Hired!”

1. Brainstorm and write about your professional journey so far, before hitting the laptop. Get a notepad and pen and write out any and all thoughts about who you are professionally.

Brainstorming session with your friends & colleagues before writing

Before writing the résumé, you should think through the following things:
  • Who do you want to be?
  • What position do you want to achieve?
  • What are your objectives and what are the specific details of your work history?

Important points to note are: You have to forget about your personal needs to write a reader-focused resume. By thinking about what the reader needs to see versus what you need to say, you're taking the pressure off yourself.

Get it all out on paper, and then organize it in a sequential manner. You may download resume-brainstorming-worksheet.pdf  as a reference.

2. Customize your resume for the specific position you are applying for, and highlight the relevant areas of your experience that match with responsibilities in the vacancy. Match your skills to the required competencies, but do this honestly. Employers will know if you are too good to be true!

Recruiters Only Look at Your Resume for an Average of Six Seconds and This Is What They See.

So, think of writing resume like a sales pitch and not a history of your work life. You want to provide the most important things, not everything. Here is a list of top 100 useful words for power resume.

3. Use verbs to describe your achievements, as opposed to just stating what you did on a daily basis.

4. Don't use fancy fonts and colors or images. Keep it simple and professional. Arial and Times New Roman are the industry standard fonts in 11 or 12-point size. You should print resume on an quality resume paper before you send it any HR manager.

5. Use the most appropriate resume style that is relevant to the current stage of your career. There are four main resume styles: chronological, functional, combination and targeted. You may refer to Susan Ireland's site for resume samples & cover letter.There are several resume writer software like resume maker professional deluxe which you can download from Amazon but I personally don't recommend these types of products.

You may refer to youth.gc.ca to learn more on functional, chronological & hybrid types of resume.

6. Whenever possible, include references from former employers, teachers, colleagues, and peers. Testimonials of this nature will always work in your favor.

7. Switch to a visual CV to show your best.You may read Dani Fankhauser's article "Can Beautiful Design Make Your Resume Stand Out?"  or Sharlyn Lauby article "9 Dynamic Digital Resumes That Stand Out From the Crowd" at Mashable.com on this context.

8. I recommend that you check your CV with an application like rezscore.com, which scans your resume, gives it a letter grade from A to F, and then gives you helpful advice for improving your resume.

 In summary, take the time to formulate a tailored resume that is aesthetically pleasing, gets straight to the point and leaves an employer wanting to meet you and potentially have you on their team is your goal for a successful resume. Thinking about it from an employer's perspective can help build your professional story. Would you hire you?

Additional helpful information for you on resume writing

What you should know about CVs, Resumes & Bio-data and when to use which?

Resume - A resume is a one or two page “summary” of your skills, experience and education. It is generally no longer than a page or two, and is mainly used in the USA.

CV - A Curriculum Vitae is a longer and more detailed synopsis. Generally over a couple of pages long, it is used in the UK & European countries.

Bio-Data - Bio-Data files concentrate more on the individual and his attributes like height, weight, color, skin complexion, and more that describes the person the best. It is mainly used in the academic world.

2. Social resume is getting popular and here are 10 new ways to build a kick-ass digital resume.

Here are few new ways to build a kick-ass digital resume

  • Zerply.com where you can showcase your work in a more interactive and engaging manner.
  • ResumUP can help you to make your ‘social profile visual.
  • You can use BranchOut  for networking and also to create a profile which features everything that is wonderful (or not) about you.
  • ResumeBaking.com , ResumeBear.comDoYouBuzz.com are other options.
  • The Infinity Resume Builder (iPhone app) brings basic resume creation capabilities to your mobile. It features a series of drop-down menus to help you create your ‘on-the-go’ work experience snapshot.

3. What Kind of Stuff Do Employers Search for When I Apply for a Job?

4. Here is a video by Dr. Phil on top headhunters in America where he mentioned about Tony Beshara. You may read Tony Beshara's book where he reveals What REALLY Gets You Hired.

5. If you are in Toronto and looking for head hunters in Canada, you may contact Certified professional resume writer like Angela Hill from Toronto.

6.You may also take services from Laura Smith-Proulx who is multiple award-winning, 8-time certified executive resume writer & LinkedIn profile expert. Several of my clients who are now settled in USA have high opinion about Laura.

creating a resume tips from author of amazing resume
Dr. Mala

About Mala: This article is written by Dr. Mala , a 20 years experienced human resource consultant. She is specialist in CXO level placement in large multinationals. She is one of the most talkeb about life coach & motivational speaker. 

Her best secret tip for proof read of a CV   is - read your résumé from the bottom up to reduce errors

Click here to download her latest book  amazing resumes.

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

How To Survive Getting Fired From A Job

"Tips To Use While You Are Still Working To Prepare You For The Words: “You're fired…"

fired from a job
Last week I met one of my old friends, Arnab, who worked in a large multinational company for the last 24 years.  Being an economist, he normally works with large multinationals on strategic transformation projects.

He was recently fired from his job at the New York office due to various disagreements with clients, system integrators and also internally within his own organization. He shared his lessons learned after getting fired.

7 Lessons I Learned After Getting Fired From A Job

1. Doing the thing is important. But more important is that the world should know that you are the person who DID the job  -Dr. Tomas Chamorro-Premuzic, an international authority in personality profiling and self branding.

In today's world, self-branding matters more than any other form of talent, not least of all because the mass market is unable (or unwilling) to distinguish between branding and talent.

2. Identify your "frienemies". These are the people in the workplace (and we all know them) who will act like your friends, get confidential information or negative  things you think about your boss from you, and then go straight to your boss or someone above you to report what you have told them

3. Cut the cord with the old workplace or team more quickly than you may want to. Once you start at a new company, you must leave the old company and the feelings that are tied to the people and events there behind, so you can fully focus on the present. This is especially true if you are working at a new job in the same industry.

4. Build a strong network within and outside of your company. In this age, your success depends on how well you are connected and the pull of your network. If you have good brand value & you are well-connected, you can usually get a job if you get fired.

The world's knowledge is too large to be stored anywhere; hyperconnectors point us in the right direction. Anybody can upload a video on YouTube or tweet, but only a few can direct us to the videos or tweets we want to see. So, hyperconnectivity is must for today's success.

5. You might have the technical talent to make things happen, but you need to know how to align yourselves with others.

6. Get in touch with key stakeholders occasionally to get feedback and discuss your plan of action, because change is automatic, but it is not necessarily progress. These people can help you to progress. Your career success depends on your ability to offer something new: new solutions for existing problems, new services and products, new ideas, etc.

Today's war for talent is the war for identifying, developing, and retaining true change-agents. Change-agents are hard to find, hard to manage, and hard to retain.

7. If you don’t get fired at least once, you’re not trying hard enough. This isn’t quite true yet, but it is becoming truer. As the pace of change in business increases, the chances of having a placid career are receding. And if, in this period of rapid change, you’re not making some notable mistakes along the way, you’re certainly not taking enough business and career chances.

What to do when you get fired?

(1) You  should create a LinkedIn profile and start creating network. Click the link to read my article on LinkedIn training course.
(2) Find your unique experience and try to emphasize the value you can add to a company.
(3) Keep a positive attitude and join some non-profit group to keep yourself busy and help you  enjoy life.
(4) Build new skills or hone your existing skill.

In summary, the future of YOU depends on your ability to be a brand, a change agent, and a link to useful information. There will be problems, and you will need to address the problems by separating the problem from the person.

Wrongful termination is not a rare phenomenon, and you should learn from it before you approach any unemployment lawyers for unfair dismissal or workplace harassment.

But your best plan of action is not to simply fight back, but to be prepared to move on, should the situation arise. Using the principals I have given you, you will be fully ready to quit or get fire - so you don't have to be afraid to get a pink slip.

If you liked this article on what to do if you are fired from your job,  you might like another very popular post "how to get promotion".

Here are  7 Key Ways to Making Getting Fired Work for You  if you suspect you may be laid off, or the moment has arrived

Related articles : job interview tips 

Monday, July 8, 2013

help me find a job

Have You Been Asking, “Can Anyone Help Me Find A Job?”

See How Seema Landed Her New Dream Job, Just 1 Month After Her Poor Annual Appraisal And Find Out How You Can Find A New Job Too!

Whether you are looking for a new job because you quit or lost your previous one or because you just aren’t satisfied with your current position for one reason or another, you may have some worries that are making finding that new job harder than it has to be.

You may have noticed that companies just aren’t hiring like they used to. Maybe you haven’t had to apply for a new job in a while. You might be worried that a situation at your former job will keep you from getting a job. Or you may just not know where to start with your new job hunt.

These concerns are normal, and they may even be well-founded, but they don’t mean that you have to go on unemployed or that you can’t find a new job - possibly your dream job…

Help me to find a jobSeema Was Stuck In A Job Going Nowhere

Like many of you, Seema had been working with the same company for many years, probably too many, but having a job in a shaky economy was a blessing. She had kept her head down for the last three years and put her all into every task she was assigned to with a smile on her face.

At 37 years old and well-seasoned in the technical aspects of customer service, she felt that she was more than qualified for the promotion the company had recently advertised.

She was just waiting for the scheduled annual performance review to bring it up to her seniors.

Finally, one day while she was busy supporting her peers on trouble calls, managing ticket queues,
I need help getting a jobensuring everyone’s system was in order and listening to calls to make sure the company’s quality standards were being maintained, she received the email she had been waiting for so long. Her annual performance review was scheduled for this afternoon.

She floated up to the manager’s office with stars in her eyes and her head in the clouds. She entered that meeting and received the worst appraisal she had ever imagined.

Her manager informed her that, although she had met 60% of her annual target, she had failed to achieve her stretch limit. Seema was further informed that, because of the weak economy and poor performance of the company, the company could neither afford to give her a promotion, nor increase her salary at this time.

She Was Frustrated And She Decided To Do Something About It

Seema fumed throughout the rest of the day and all the way home. How could they do this to her after all these years of commitment and sincere work?
how to create a resume"I need help getting a job," she thought to herself, but other questions lingered. “Who can help me to find a job? Where should I start?”

Seema began her search with the top job search engine, so she could find local work as soon as possible. That’s when it hit her that it had been years since she prepared or updated a resume.

She channeled all the frustration she felt about her job and the way she had been used over the last so many years into the job search.  After some online searching, she picked up some tips on how to create a resume. She created her resume—finally.

She posted her CV to Monster.com and took appointments with a couple of executive search companies. But the meeting with the career consultants at the executive search company frustrated her further, because she was told that there was not much opportunity because of her advanced age.

Seema Started Using Social Networking

how to do LinkedIn JobsearchShe started looking on social sites like Facebook, LinkedIn and started networking with her old friends and acquaintances for fastest growing occupations in local area. She built her first LinkedIn profile after doing a  Google search on how to create a LinkedIn profile

LinkedIn contact management & other social media for job search  not only helped Seema to connect with other people, but also helped her to identify a few potential employers that might be a good fit for her. She started approaching talent acquisition professionals of those companies through her own contacts in those companies.

Finally, she got 3 positive responses where she was preliminarily qualified based on her LinkedIn profile.  She tailor-made her resume for those opportunities and forwarded them to potential employers with a suitable cover letter.

LinkedIn contact management 
She Got Two Interview Calls!!


In no time at all, she was on to the next stage, which was to prepare for interviews. There was one job, in particular, that Seema was excited about. It would not only put her in a management level position, but allow her to utilize the years of experience she had gained with her current employers.

 She practiced for the interview session by speaking in front of the mirror for days before the actual interview. 

Seema Had A Stellar Interviehow to prepare for job intervieww

This new company did not discriminate against her because of her age. They saw the value in her experience and welcomed her aboard. linkedin succes storiesShe submitted her resignation letter to the company she had given 11 years of her life to the very next day and looked forward to a better and more satisfying future. She had landed herself the career of her dreams.


Want To Be Like Seema? 

If you are tired of your dead-end job or you are currently unemployed and having trouble finding a new job, you can be like Seema and quickly find your new dream job too.

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